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Publishing Plans for the Winter 2021

By August 17, 2021November 12th, 2021No Comments

I am almost done securing the editing and cover services for Soulhazard, and I am anxious to get going. The edit is supposed to run until Halloween 2021, and then I’ll have time till New Year’s Eve to polish the text until the cover comes to life. Then all I will have left is to market-market-market! And keep writing the next one. Hopefully, I’ll be done with the first draft of the Alemaster series by then, unless Ily gets into a bigger mess still, so I will be able to drop my high fantasy pen and pick up the urban fantasy/post-apoc one.

So, things are moving, and if you want to help me write and publish more books, consider supporting me on Patreon. You will have my undying gratitude for it!