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You’ve got NO mail!

By November 8, 2023No Comments

It’s kind of the industry standard to build up a reader mail-list and generate a deluge of emails around every big event like publishing a book (nothing’s bigger, right?) And I’ve never been one for going with what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it, neither do I like getting repeated messages for the same thing. I mean, I’d either buy a book or I wouldn’t, and it won’t help you if you send me ten emails.

Thus, I made the decision to stop trying to build a mailing list. Oil World is now free to download, and I will put it up on Amazon and SmashWords for free soon. There is no Subscribe button, or pop-up, on the website anymore (if they do come up, please let me know!)

I will be setting up new membership tiers on the Patreon page (led by a Free tier, if possible). More on that later.

It’s all going to be very different from the prescribed process, but it’s going to feel right to me.